Friday, April 22, 2016

Lower Your Body Fat Percentage (in 10 Easy Steps)

The 10 easy steps you should follow to lower body fat percentage and reveal your six-pack.

Want to see your abs? As you almost certainly know by now, no amount of situps will help. Your rectus abdominis are already plenty big enough - they're just lurking under a protective cushion of unsightly fat. To see them, you'll need to drop down to the 12% bodyfat level – and to really make them pop, single digits are the key. How do you get there? Easy: by doing the following.

1. Eat more. Yes, you read that right. The key, though, is what to load up on. 'Add two fistfuls of green veg to every meal,' says Precision Nutrition's Brian St-Pierre. They're nutrient-dense but low on calories - so they'll fill you up without being fattening, and keep you healthy.

2. Try to drink a glass of water with every meal. It'll keep your body hydrated and full, and keep your metabolism online. Soft drinks? Out.

3. Enjoy eating out. Don't be the man ordering steamed chicken breast - as long as you're getting a decent hit of protein and green veg in, the steak and spinach is fine. Just leave the frites for cheat day.

4. Get stronger. Not everyone's first priority, but shifting more weight will make any workout more intense. By adding 1.5kg worth of muscle to your body you have the potential to burn 1,050 extra calories a week, according to a study by the University of Michigan. Aim to progress in big, compound lifts like the power clean and squat, and every workout becomes a fat-burner.

5. Go green. For tea, anyway - it's the most natural fat-burner available. Pair it with lemon to blunt your insulin response, making your body less likely to store food as fat.

6. Up the speed Medium-intensity cardio ups your cortisol and turns you into a fat-storage unit: so keep it short and aggressive. Try a Tabata row: 20 seconds' work, 10 seconds' rest, repeated 8 times. The catch? You need to manage 100 metres every interval.

7. Get a taste for spicier food. Capsaicin, the compound that gives chilli peppers their heat, will also play merry havoc your metabolism. Add paprika to your home-made burgers - you, uh, do make them from scratch, right? - and turn them into a fat-burning feast. 

8. Drink milk. There is some evidence that calcium deficiency could slow metabolism. Research has shown that consuming calcium through dairy foods like low fat yoghurt or –fat-free-cheese could also contribute to reducing fat absorption from other food sources.

9. Increase your vitamin D levels. This doesn’t include sitting in the sun for hours on end. Vitamin D absorbed from food is essential for the preservation of muscle tissue. You can get 90% of your recommended daily intake from a 100g piece of salmon. So eat plenty of fish, eggs, milk and cereals to get your intake up. And sit in the sun if you like, it can’t hurt…

10. Get your fibre on. Research has shown that some fibre can fire up your fat burning by as much as 30%. These studies have found that those who are consuming the most amount of fibre are gaining less weight over a period of time. It’s best to aim for around 25g per day.



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